Every tale should have a happy ending, and fortunately this one is no exception. On my latest attempt to make perfect restaurant quality sushi at home my kids declared that my journey had ended successfully. My sushi was the best sushi they had ever tasted! Now, while I know my taste-testers might be a little […]
Filed under: Compilation, Method, Recipe on January 27th, 2014 | Comments Off on The Sushi Tails: Perfect Sushi At Home
On this quest to make sushi rice at home I thought it would be a good idea to enlist the help of some professionals. When I told my friend (who we’ll simply call Chef Jonathan to protect the innocent) about this little sushi-making project I’m on, he was super excited to get me in the […]
Filed under: Method on October 27th, 2013 | Comments Off on The Sushi Tails: The X Factor
If we’re going full steam ahead (pun intended) with this idea of making sushi at home we’ve got to make sure there are some basic items on hand. You can certainly make use of whatever you’ve got on hand so long as it’ll do the job. For example, a two-pocket school portfolio makes a wonderful […]
Filed under: Method on October 6th, 2013 | Comments Off on The Sushi Tails: Materials