Country Apple Sausage with Onions and Mustard Sauce

                                               If you love food as much as I do you are constantly on the lookout for new ideas or inspirations. For me, this means a lot of time shmoozing with people who know their stuff. The vegetable lady at the St Lawrence Market who lets you know when produce is delivered; the sandwich guy […]

Mexican Meatball Soup

Don’t let the jalapenos frighten you off from this recipe. Removing the membranes and seeds renders it rather tame from a heat perspective. The peppers are a great addition to the other ingredients in this recipe. I like it because it’s a bit off the beaten path as compared to other crock pot recipes. Si?  ************************************ Mexican Meatball Soup Serves: […]

Chicken & Dumplings

Nothing beats back the winter blahs like dinner from the crock pot. There’s something to be said for throwing a bunch of ingredients into a pot in the morning and returning that evening to find a delicious, comforting classic. Chicken and dumplings is a Southern dish that often contains butter and milk in the broth and batter. […]